Tuesday, August 16, 2011

36 weeks: baby daddy here

hello everyone. sorry I have been neglectful of my posting duties. so what is going on right now from my perspective? hmmm, well, we have a baby on the way—not sure if you all knew that. so I guess I will start with my thoughts on this topic and we can move on from there.

when we first realized we were pregnant, I was a little worried. so many thoughts cross your mind. how do we pay for a baby? do we start saving for college now or pay off our own college loans? how do we find a babysitter? how are we going to make room in our condo? basically every thought imaginable.

then everything settles in and I got a bit excited, but was still worried with all of the unanswered questions. everybody we see says, "oh how wonderful, congratulations", "you better get some sleep", "this is the end of your life as you know it" and so on. it gets crazy because you don't know what to think.

so this is what my current thoughts are now... I am extremely excited! the anticipation is a lot like our wedding last year, except now I just want the little baby girl to come because I am really tired of having to wait for her. we have had all of our showers so in my mind we basically have everything we need so that we are not horrible parents. I'm ready and sort of tired of waiting and just want to meet our lil girl! good news is that michele is ready too.

I don't really know what else to say, possibly why I do not contribute as often as michele does. next week we will talk about our fantasy football picks... get excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mark you crack me up! You will make a great dad and you can teach your baby girl everything about football and baseball (please include Red Sox when discussing the latter)and of course, tennis!

    Excited for you both, keep us posted on the everyday stuff because one day I will be there too!

