Sunday, April 10, 2011

18 weeks: really wish I knew what a kick felt like

so the beginning of the week I realize my jeans are really tight (even with the rubberband trick.) monday and tuesday were uncomfortable so when wednesday rolled around I decided to break out the full band preggers jeans. initially, they fit great and I felt great in them. but then they just started stretching a bit and by the end of the day I looked and felt ridiculous in them. so my preggers jeans are way too big for my current bump but my regular jeans are too tight... it needs to warm up so I could wear dresses! :)

I was thinking I might be feeling kicks from the baby but I keep second guessing myself because it's so faint right now and is sporadic when it happens. but whatever I feel is pretty unique so I'll just wait for baby to get bigger to be sure. my doctor said it probably is the baby though :)

so thursday's checkup went well. all my last blood tests came back with good results and this last vial they took this week is to detect spinal bifida. mark joined me at this checkup which was really awesome because he got to hear baby's heartbeat for the first time. other than that I've gained 2 lbs since last checkup which is just about what my doc suggested for me. our next visit will be our ultrasound and hopefully baby cooperates because mom and dad just can't wait to start planning the nursery!

I decided to take my picture outside this week since we had amazing weather today.

cravings: I really like cookies, cup cakes and icecream. baby has a sweet tooth. :) no worries just having small bites here and there.
aversions: hmmm, I'm not sure anything grossed me out this week.

what's baby up to?
our fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to me), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. and, baby's finally big enough that i'll be able to feel those movements soon.


  1. The best I can describe tiny baby kicks is that they feel kinna like bubbly gas. :) So if that's what it feels like, it might be the baby...or it could be gas, I guess. The way I knew it was little Adela at first was that they happened at the same time every night.

  2. it kinda feels like that and sometimes like faint pops every now and then. i usually feel them in the early afternoon—when i'm at work, but i have to be pretty still. i'll see if babe decides to be active today. :)
    ps. post more pics of adela!! :)
