Sunday, April 3, 2011

17 weeks: this sleeping on my side thing

I'm trying. I really am and it's really starting to drive me crazy.

I'm a back sleeper—that has been my most comfortable position for a while now. even though sleeping on my back, in most of my preggers books or apps, is not recommended right now, my doc said really not to be worried until week 20. well I've been really practicing this week and I wake up in the middle of the night just to find myself flat on my back again. perfect. even with my back propped with a pillow somehow unconsciously I find my comfy spot again. I still breathe just fine if I find myself on my back right now, but just getting worried once baby gets bigger.

anyone have any insight as to what works? pregnancy pillows?

just have a checkup with the doc this upcoming thursday, but other than that no other updates from me. no kicks from peanut yet. 30 days till we know if we have a girl or boy! yay :)

happy 79th birthday babcia! sto lat!!

cravings: I'm embarrassed to say this, but I really wanted KFC biscuits and their gravy on thursday and I gave in. I know there is about zero nutrition in them but it really hit the spot :) still love veggies with ranch and fruit.
aversions: I walked though the french market seafood area and had to hold my breath... yuck.

what's baby up to?
baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. the umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

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