Sunday, February 19, 2012

lily's monthly updates – 4 months old

since around christmas she learned how to roll it's basically the thing she does best. she does favor rolling to her left though, but just recently she'll just keep rolling or you'll see her roll back. she shimmies herself on her belly to reach things to the right and left of her, but no signs of crawling.

she also has decided to sleep on her belly—which at times scares us a bit but the doc said it was ok. lily's sleep is hit or miss. she's getting better at going down for the night, but always seems to wake up at the 5 or 6 hour mark and then will continue waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours until mark goes to work. I have late nights working (it seems to be the only time I could focus and not be interrupted every half hour) so her not sleeping is especially miserable for me. she used to be so great at sleeping but regardless we're working on it. she needs to learn how to self soothe, because right now she won't go back to bed unless one of us goes in there.

we've also introduced very soft food since she started waking up for us in the middle of the night hungry. so far we've given her ground rolled oats, bananas and brown rice cereal. I could tell the texture of the oats to lily is a bit strange so sticking with smoother options I think is best now.

we plopped her in the jumperoo one day and now she bounces around like a crazy goose—she loves the lights, music and of course being able to bounce! putting her in there is great because then I know I have about 15 minutes of freedom before she gets bored—I'll take what I can get. :)

I love our lil munchkin like no other. she loves her mommy so much which is endearing and I hope to get her out more that spring is just around the corner. she's been saying what sounds like "momma" but it's more like "mmmmm-mmmahh" so she could just be practicing her Ms. my aunt helps me every tuesday morning and she swears she grows every week she sees her! six month clothes fit her best and I just recently put everything with a 3 mo tag away.

lastly, she loves "Peek-a-boo". cover your face and reappear... puts a smile on lil's face everytime! till next month!

4 month doc appt: 
weight: 14lbs 6 oz
length: 25.5 in
head: 40.0 cm

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