my favorite picture of my loves! |
lily started off this month by sleeping the entire night! but a day later went back to her old habits. mark and I just could not take the interrupted sleep any longer so we tried the "cry-it-out" method. those first few days were awful... first night took 50 mins, second 24, third 14 mins and by the fourth we were at 5-7 mins and down for the night. what a relief! this has changed our life completely! you take for granted sleeping every night uninterrupted... it's not like you went to sleep late and didn't get enough and you feel tired. it's more like you are completely exhausted and the second you fall into a deep sleep someone wakes you up and does that repeatedly throughout the night for days on end. so glad we're finally getting sleep again!
loves the baby in the mirror! |
lily is still very much a good eater. we've bought her happy baby organic food so she's had a great variety of foods. we've also started her on a sippy cup while she eats to get used to lifting the cup on her own.
during this month I accepted a new position and mark and I started looking into day care options. we would have loved to have my aunt watch her since she does so well with her already but she had to go back to Poland for a while so we've looked into all types of care. CDW offered subsidized care but still was way out of our price range. there were recommendations from other CDW colleagues but those were inconvenient for us due to time constraints. ultimately, we decided on a daycare in deerfield since hours worked well for the both of us and the location was in between our work locations. definitely nervous about how lily will react not being with me and having new surroundings. hopefully she doesn't cry the entire time and get kicked out!
lily has learned how to sit up on her own this month which give her a new perspective. no crawling yet but she sure knows how to roll her way to things! she gets more and more curious each day :)
6 month doc appt:
weight: 17lbs 2 oz
length: 26.75 in
our big girl! |
all dressed up for her 6mo doc appt! |
curious lil lily. |
love her smile! |
sofie and lily. |
singing her screechy song! |