almost sitting. |
this month went by so quickly! or maybe I should just say blur because our lily has been a horrible sleeper and by horrible I mean we've nicknamed her lil terrorist. right as you fall into that deep cozy sleep you hear the monitor go off and she's woken up. mark and I pretty much feel like zombies... I don't require too much sleep but I've never felt so tired in my life. before baby mark would be cranky if he didn't get 8-9—you could on imagine the dynamic in our home right now :)
big smile. |
so we thought by changing her eating habits (feeding her one meal of cereal/fruit) would solve our lily waking up in the middle of the night hungry dilemma. wellllll. not entirely. for a good while she still wanted to suck down 2-3 oz of milk in the wee hours of the morning. or just wake up a couple times just to have (mostly mark) walk in and pat/rub her back till she fell asleep again. most times she'd be back to bed in 5-10 mins but it still interrupts your sleep cycle especially the times it takes long than 10 mins to get her to calm down. so i'm writing this when she is now just turned six months and last night she did sleep all the way through with out a peep! so maybe (knock on wood) she's growing out of this phase. please god let it be the case!
goofball. |
lily this month is getting much better being around people other than mommy—my aunt now could play and keep her occupied all tuesday morning which is a relief. i've had a couple conference calls where all i hear is Lily wailing in the background, but I think she trusts ciocia marysia a whole lot more. i am very thankful for that change.
she smiles so big when daddy gets home and loves hanging out with him saturday mornings when I get to sleep in. mark I love you so much that you do this—sleeping till 10:30 feel amazing!
toes...nom nom nom. |
our silly lily learned how to blow raspberries with her lips and we know she's in a good mood when she does this. it's funniest when it happens in church! she also loves to grab her toes and have caught her a couple times with them in her mouth—kinda gross but they're probably cleaner than her hands most of the time!
I try to make her laugh as often as I can because that laugh of hers is the best. puts me in a great mood. since the weather has been so nice we've taken many walks and even enjoyed the park. caela and lily hung out at the park and lily tried the swing for the first time and loved it! she also spent a whole day with granpa, auntie gosia and ryan when we went on a much needed social outing. that was the first time I was away from lily for 6+ hours!
she also gives us kisses (i think it's a kiss mark would argue otherwise) but she opens her mouth and kind bites/sucks on your chin or face. she only does it for 1-2 secs but we give her kisses all the time and she knows where to get food :)
baby jeans! |
lastly, although our lily bear is not mobile, she rolls and shimmies every which way around the living room. it's nice to just plop her down and she could play with her toys for 20-25mins without wanting me.
love our girl and she's changing so much! we'll see what new things happen in month six!